Set II Beginners Lesson 4: Watercolor Paint Set

Supplies: Set of watercolors, watercolor paper, brush, water, 2 containers for water, paper towels, pencil

Remember the sets of watercolors that we used in grade school? Simiklar sets are still a vailable at your local grocery or drug store. There are varieties ranging from 8 colors to more than a couple of dozen colors in a set. A watercolor brush is usually included in the set.

You may also purchase a watercolor paint set from your local art store or from a web site that sells art materials. Some watercolor sets are very small and can be taken with you any where. It’s fun to carry a set of watercolors to use for a “time out” from work. If you take a set alolng with you when you travel, it can given you an opportunityto record your trip with watercolor “remembrances”.

For this lesson set up your work area with your supplies. Open your paint set. Put your brush in a container where it is easy for you to reach it for painting. Fill two containers with clean water and have extra water at hand to replace any water that becomes “too full of paint”. These containers of water are for rinsing off your brush and for getting clean water to put in your colors of paint.

Prepare a piece of folded paper towel to have “handy” for wiping your brush (between rinsing).

Begin painting by wetting your brush and drop a couple of drops of water into one of the paint pans. Dip your brush into the paint color. Brush a circle of color onto your watercolor paper.

Clean your brush by dipping it into clean water and wiping it with the paper towel.

Go to another color and paint a circle of color onto your watercolor paper. Rinse and wipe your brush. Keep moving from color to color until you have a circle of color on your paper for each color in your paint set.

When you have finished making circles of color, use a pencil to write down the name of each color underneath each circle of paint on your paper.

Then take aother piece of watercolor paper. Paint a red circle. Rinse and wipe your brush. Let the circle of paint dry on the paper.

Dip your brush into the yellow paint. Put that yellow paint right on top of the red paint. Watch what happens! It may be “red-orange”.

Continue to experiment and paint other colored circle combinations. Always remember to keep your paint pans clean and clear. Rinse your brush and wipe it thoroughly. I

If your brush “soaks up” too much water, wipe it on the edge of the water container or on the paper towel before you touch it to the pan of color.

Label the new colors you have made.

Remember to sign and date your work.
