Set II Beginners Lesson 3: Shading, Shadows and More

Supplies: Pencil, drawing paper, paper stomp, eraser, forms (box, cylinder, cone, ball), colored pencils

Set up a box, cone, cylinder or a ball with a lilght source beaming from the right or left side of the form.

Use your lead pencil to draw each of these forms on your paper. You can continue to fold your paper into fourths for these “exercises” and use each section of your paper for each form. Or, you can put all for forms on one page. It’s your choice.

In order to show shading of an object, place the object with a light source beaming toward one side or the other of the object. If the light is coming from the upper-right, then shading will be created on the other side of the object. Add “shade” to your drawing of an object by using a blended tone of grey. The shaded area may range from medium to dark, depending upon the intensity of the light source. (Bright light from the right = dark shade on the left).

Notice, too, that the object casts a shadow. Fill in the shadow area with grey pencil and use your paper stomp for blending.

Look around your home for examples of four solid objects: box, cylinder, cone and ball. You will begin to see that these forms are “everywhere”.

Continue your lesson by using colored pencils. Draw other forms that are a cylinder, cone or ball. A cylinder can be a pencil holder or a soft drink can. The cone could be a child’s birthday hat. The ball can be a round orange with dimples on its surface.

Use your colored pencils to rub in color on your objects. Blend them with a clean stomp. Intensify your colors by using “layers” of color. Be creative!

Be sure to sign and date your work!
